Ratings System

Star Ratings

Please note - Half star ratings are used when the book falls between two other star ratings and while I feel it may have been better than the lower rating, it didn't quite make it to the higher rating. Also note that I am not a critical reviewer. I review based on story lines and characters. I don't get hung up on pose and grammatical issues (unless they is truly bad, then that will need to be mentioned). 

1 Star - This rating is for books I DNF (did not finish). Very few books will ever get this rating for me because unless a book is truly awful, I will finish it. I may skim it towards the end, but I will finish it.

2 Stars - I finished it and while it probably wasn't the worst book ever written, there were a number of problems I had with the book. Not one I would recommend. 

3 Stars - This is my average rating. A book I enjoyed, but didn't love. I would continue on with the series or recommend this book to a friend.

4 Stars - Loved! A book that I truly enjoyed and found few issues with. 

5 Stars - Loved! Loved! Loved! A book that was truly fantastic. I found no faults in the story line and/or characters. One that would definitely stay on my shelf.  

Sensuality Level

Also note that sometimes sensuality in books may fall between two of these categories. If they do, I will be sure to note that in my review.

Sweet - Kisses only, Christian or Inspirational romances tend to fall in this category.

Spicy - Moderate to no explicit sensuality. Sex scenes are behind closed doors. Some physical details may be described in general terms or implied, but most is left up to the readers imagination. 

Sizzling - Most romances tend to fall into this or the Spicy category. The sensuality is more explicit, and the sex scenes occur more often. Sex is described in more graphic terms. 

Scorching - Extremely explicit sensuality. Erotica falls into this category. 

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